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Product amount: 82

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Product amount: 82

Beads made of amber balls with a pendant “Hotei”

23 300 UAH


Panel “True Friend”

999 UAH 1 110 UAH


Panel “The Hunt” (Arthur Tate Fitzwilliam)

999 UAH 1 110 UAH


Souvenir with amber “Lupa”

8 460 UAH 9 400 UAH


Panel "Catch"

999 UAH 1 110 UAH

Souvenir SUV000040

130 000 UAH


Vintage stopper with amber mosaic (light amber)

22 113 UAH 24 570 UAH


Panel "On the boar!"

999 UAH 1 110 UAH


Dagger with faceted amber handle

132 660 UAH 147 400 UAH


Amber souvenir Квп-05

74 844 UAH 83 160 UAH


Amber souvenir Квп-04

61 992 UAH 68 880 UAH

Prayer beads with gradient color transition

16 241 UAH

Amber rosary

4 633 UAH

Buddhist (Chinese) rosary

10 694 UAH


Panel “Hunters at a rest” (Perov Vasily)

999 UAH 1 110 UAH

Buddhist (Chinese) rosary

7 521 UAH


Muslim rosary made of polished amber

3 164 UAH 3 515 UAH


Orthodox rosary made of polished amber

3 310 UAH 3 677 UAH


Muslim rosary made of polished amber

2 800 UAH 3 111 UAH


Orthodox rosary made of polished amber

3 055 UAH 3 394 UAH

Buddhist (Chinese) long rosary

147 022 UAH

Buddhist (Chinese) rosary

51 840 UAH

Christian rosary made of light amber

15 975 UAH

Rosary subha made of amber (Islam)

17 357 UAH
